Mt. Rainer Bank- Artist Studio

In section near University of Maryland and Arts District of Hyattsville is a community with now is slowly being revitalized –Mount Rainer.  The Investment bank at 3800 34th Street which is now being considered for renovation to fit with the now Artist community in Mt. Rainer.  Neighborhood Design Center of Prince George’s County which has volunteers who are Architects, Interior Designers, Urban Planners and Architectural Students.   This existing bank will now be used as an artist studio and retail for the disabled.  The new owner of the property Compass Inc. which deals with rehabilitation of the disabled is looking to use the once Investment Bank as an artist studio for their patrons to display and sell their work.  The existing bank will have new paint, flooring, stairwell, elevator, and artist studio/classroom on the first floor, retail in the entry, artist studio on the second floor and accessible restrooms.   Examples of the project from the beginning stages to the final presentation drawings.